
Love McPherson’s Relationship Wisdom

Love McPherson’s Relationship Wisdom

Photos by Blake Martin

“I want my clients to achieve their relationship goals.” 

Love McPherson is constantly asked if her real name is Love. She is a certified marriage counselor and relationship expert, so she understands why they ask. Her parents were married for 60 years and her mother named her Love because of the love she had for her father. With 26 years in the clinical field, Love borrowed her parents’ relationship wisdom to help couples do the work needed to have the kind of love her parents had. “Now that I have been married for 39 years to my college sweetheart, I appreciate much more the work they did to retain their love over decades and why they gave me that name,” she says. “I like to say that I was born for this.”

Love says 2022 has been a great year for her. She launched three new group programs to great success: The Couples’ Sauna, The Dating Gym, and The Inner Workout. Because of the drastic effects COVID had on relationships and people’s mental health, demand for her services has tripled. At the time, Love couldn’t keep up and was forced to close her schedule to new clients in 2020. Her waiting list has over 1000 people. “In August, I will take an entire month off to recharge,” Love says. “I will practice self-care, travel, and come back healthier and more in love with myself. My calendar will open up again for the first time since 2020. Nothing has more soul than me practicing what I preach to others.”

Following her sabbatical, Love will begin offering her Couples and Individual Relationship sessions. In 2023, she will offer more of her Group programs and MasterClass classes. “Also, keep a look out for our life-transforming Love and Relationship Conference 2023,” she says. “It will be an experience like nothing you have ever had before.” 

To learn more about Love McPherson, visit her website and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.