Boys Home of Virginia: A Cause for the Heart
Photo by Laura Robertson “A successful man has to start somewhere.” By Laura Robertson Each month we highlight a community program that aligns with…
A variety of organizations that you can support in making the world a better place.
Photo by Laura Robertson “A successful man has to start somewhere.” By Laura Robertson Each month we highlight a community program that aligns with…
Photo by Darryl Cobb Jr. “Work towards a sustainable future.” Each month we highlight a community program that aligns with the values of SoulVision…
Shanequa Davis is the founder of the Treehouse Group. The organization has three branches: a consulting group, a publishing house, and a non-profit. Photos…
Jennifer Maddux, director of education & community engagement of RPAA. Photo by Kim Lee Schmidt. “Deepen our youth’s connection to the arts.” Each month…
Andrea Custis, president and CEO of the Urban League of Philadelphia. Photo by Paul Croaker. “Continue the fight for justice.” Each month we highlight…
Micheal Sparks, founder and CEO of Underground Kitchen (UGK). Photos courtesy of The Underground Kitchen. “Get back to the basics.” Each month we highlight…
Rena Schild/ “Help produce systems that inspire.” By Miles Richardson & Cole Parker Each month we highlight a community program that aligns with the…
Kev Marcus and Wil B, instrumentalists of the hip-hop and classical music fusion duo Black Violin. Photos courtesy of the Black Violin Foundation “We…
FeFe Handy, founder and executive director of Page Turners Make Great Learners. Photo by Christopher Moore. “Reading sparks creativity and imagination in our children.”…
Angela Patton, CEO of Girls For A Change. Photo by Kim Brundage. “Be there for them in the long haul.” Each month we highlight…