Editor's Note

Nicholas Powell

Nicholas Powell


“Our power lies in community.”

This will be short and brief: The U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade is shameful. But this shouldn’t be a moment to panic. This is a moment to organize. This is a moment to look to our neighbors and community for support. Reproductive choice is freedom. Reproductive choice is economic security and opportunity. We all can do our part by donating to and giving your time to your local abortion fund, participating in a local protest, calling or emailing your representative in the Senate and House and letting your voice be heard, it is supporting organizations like Black Women’s Health Imperative. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but when we come together, the powers that be are forced to listen. 

As creatives and visionaries, we must also work together to make society a better place. We must use our art and platforms to speak about injustices wherever they are and rally our audiences to take direct action, whenever they can. Whether we like to admit it or not, politics is personal. 

The creatives and visionaries featured in this month’s issue are doing their part. Our cover story, innovative advocate and multimedia host Chris Denson’s most recent episode of Work in Progress speaks about the importance of women’s sexual health. Relationship expert Love McPherson is teaching couples how to strengthen their love. Creative artist Duane Doku is working directly with and speaking out on mental health through fashion. Susan Smallwood is making luxury more inclusive. Author and teacher Nia Nicole is using her book sales to fund her nonprofit for our youth. Boys Home of Virginia is creating a space for boys to be themselves. Chef Jacoby Ponder is bringing families back together. The words of late feminist and intellectual bell hooks inspire us to make a community that is inclusive, fair, and loving. What kind of world do you want to live in? Our power lies in community. 

This is a moment to look to our neighbors and community for support.”